Bluetooth Low Energy is one of the most exploding IoT technologies. BLE devices surround us more and more - not only as wearables, toothbrushes and sex toys, but also smart locks, medical devices and banking tokens. Alarming vulnerabilities of these devices have been exposed multiple times recently. And yet, the knowledge on how to comprehesively assess their security seems very uncommon. Not to mention best practices guidelines, which are practically absent.
During upcoming HackInParis 2019 I will present a series of introductory workshops about security of NFC Mifare Classic and Bluetooth Low Energy.
The workshops are short (45min each session), but packed with practical knowledge and hopefully entertaining - performed on a real access control installation, hotel lock and BLE smart locks.
Most hands-on exercises will be possible to complete using just a phone, and easy to follow.
Many access control systems still rely just on the UID of the card. It is a unique number, generated during manufacturing, read-only and impossible to change.
There are however special, unofficial “Magic UID” cards (like my business card) that allow to set any UID - clone it from other cards.
It takes just a few seconds with the new “one click” cloning feature that I have contributed to free Mifare Classic Tool Android application.