
HackInParis 2019 training

Attacking and securing BLE and NFC/RFID devices based on smart locks and access control systems


HackInParis 2019

During this training we will focus on two technologies implemented very commonly in various IoT devices, including among others smart locks and access control systems : BLE and NFC/RFID. Bluetooth Low Energy (Smart, 4) is one of the most popular and rapidly growing IoT technologies. Unfortunatelly the prevalence of technology does not come with security, and the knowledge on how to comprehensively assess such devices seems very uncommon. This training aims to address this need.

HackInTheBox Amsterdam 2019 training

Blue Oceans: Advanced Attacks Against BLE, NFC, HCE and more


HITB Conference

Bluetooth Low Energy is one of the most exploding IoT technologies. BLE devices surround us more and more - not only as wearables, toothbrushes and sex toys, but also smart locks, medical devices and banking tokens. Alarming vulnerabilities of these devices have been exposed multiple times recently. And yet, the knowledge on how to comprehesively assess their security seems very uncommon. Not to mention best practices guidelines, which are practically absent. 2018

BLE security essentials

Hague, Netherlands

Bluetooth Low Energy (Smart, 4) is recently gaining more and more traction as one of the most common and rapidly growing IoT technologies. Unfortunatelly the prevalence of technology does not come with security. Alarming vulnerabilities in BLE smart locks, medical devices and banking tokens are revealed day by day. And yet, the knowledge on how to comprehensively assess them seems very uncommon. In this workshop you will get familiar with the basics of BLE security.