
HackInParis 2021 training

Hacking and securing Bluetooth Low Energy and NFC/RFID devices


HackInParis 2021

Bluetooth Low Energy is one of the most exploding IoT technologies. BLE devices surround us more and more – not only as wearables, toothbrushes and sex toys, but also smart locks, medical devices and banking tokens. Alarming vulnerabilities of these devices have been exposed multiple times recently. And yet, the knowledge on how to comprehesively assess their security seems very uncommon. This is probably the most exhaustive and up to date training regarding BLE security – for both pentesters and developers.

HITB SecTrain online BLE training

A practical introduction to Bluetooth Low Energy security: 2-day online training


HITB SecTrain 2021

The training has been prepared for remote hands-on participation. Each attendee will receive a hardware pack of 200 USD value, shipped in advance (please register as soon as possible!). The hardware includes among others a preconfigured Android smartphone, BLE sniffer, BLE dedicated training device and Raspberry Pi (details below). With the specially arranged setup, participants will be able to perform hands-on practical exercises not only during virtual session but also any time later.